Golf club and course/ Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.

  • Name: Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Status: Active
  • Country: USA
  • State: Hessen
  • Phone number: +49 6101 9893730
  • Google rating: 4.5
  • Google review count: 247
  • Website:
  • Instagram: -
  • Facebook: -
  • Email: -
Photos and Activities (last golf events)
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
  • Photo of Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.

  • Lucian Lazar
    Aug. 25, 2020, 6:49 p.m.

    Delicious food, friendly staff and stunning view. I would definitely come a second time as they offered to accommodate my dieters requirements.

    Rating: 5

  • Linus Abenney
    July 28, 2019, 6:39 a.m.

    Nice, out of the city hotel with so much green. There are even rabbits ruining around that you can see.

    Rating: 4

  • Sinjung Kang
    June 17, 2023, 2:33 p.m.

    wonderful golf course

    Rating: 5

  • Gunnar Sand
    July 12, 2021, 7:31 p.m.

    Beautiful park golf course. Like a botanical garden.

    Rating: 3

  • Natalia Durbanova
    Aug. 1, 2016, 4:33 p.m.

    Nicely managed golf club, very tasty food, clean and stylish interior

    Rating: 5