Golf club and course/ 2700 17 Mile Dr

  • Name: 2700 17 Mile Dr
  • Status: Active
  • Country: USA
  • State: California
  • Phone number: +1 831-647-7500
  • Google rating: 5.0
  • Google review count: 2
  • Website:
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  • Email: -
Photos and Activities (last golf events)
  • Photo of 2700 17 Mile Dr
  • Photo of 2700 17 Mile Dr
  • Photo of 2700 17 Mile Dr
  • Photo of 2700 17 Mile Dr

  • Reza
    Dec. 27, 2019, 10:41 p.m.

    With about $10 entrance fee you get to see some amazing scenes. Perfect for photography

    Rating: 5

  • Dr. Susan Daniel
    Aug. 15, 2022, 10 p.m.

    Beautiful drive with gorgeous houses and majestic scenery

    Rating: 5